About Peak Bodyworks

148767_10200378707100869_217736649_nIt is the goal of “Peak” to share extensive knowledge in training and nutrition with you, so that you too can reach your “Peak” and stay there. All clients participate in a wellness consultation in order to determine current fitness level and lifestyle habits, so that Kendall can create a personal plan to fit into your life and help you meet or beat your goals.

Kendall is certified through the American Council on Exercise as a Personal Trainer and Health Coach. As a trainer and nutritional expert, Kendall stays up-to-date on all of the current fitness ideas and trends including studies on nutrition and meal planning, safe and effective training techniques for functional gains and sports-specific performance, proper postural alignment, and general overall health and fitness. As one of her clients, she will share with you relevant and important research to reach and maintain your health and fitness goals.

Kendall offers a vast array of training options, group classes, nutrition counseling, and much more. Please click the “Services” link to see which options will work best for you. One-on-one with Kendall, training with a partner, or in a small group, then one of the Peak packages is the way to go. You can train at Peak’s private, exclusive training facility, equipped with the best machines and using the latest training techniques so you can reach your fitness goals, or Kendall can come to you. Click on the “Personal Training” button for the wide variety of options available.

If you prefer to work out in a group setting, our Boot Camp and Circuit Training classes are a very affordable way to get into top physical shape quickly. They are fun, cost effective, and highly efficient. Click on the “Group Training” button to find out more about these exciting programs.

Our “Nutrition” programs are completely personalized and offer unequaled results. Check out your options and get started on learning how to eat well to lose body fat and stay lean for life.

Kendall is passionate about total health and fitness and practices what she preaches. “Live younger longer.” Almost 50 years young, Kendall has decades of experience in the health and fitness industry and is uniquely qualified to help you reach your own peak fitness level. She has a proven track record of assisting her clients in making S.M.A.R.T. goals (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely), and helping them find the inspiration and motivation to keep moving forward toward their goals, short and long-term. Your hard work and consistency will ensure your success! And Kendall truly gets her success from yours! If you’re ready to reach the pinnacle of your health and fitness, contact Peak Bodyworks today. Individual sessions, packages, and gift certificates available.